Praise You, Jesus: Alphabet of Praise (Part 1)

Engaging in a Biblical fast involves more than abstaining from food. We must combine our abstention with prayer and time in God’s word. Otherwise we’re merely on a diet. So as you’re fasting, make time to pray and internalize God’s word. This post is intended to encourage you and serve as a tool in both areas.
Prayer Begins with Praise
Praise is a vital part of prayer. In fact, when we pray, we should begin with praise.
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations” (Psalm 100:4-5).
“Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms” (Psalm 95:2). (Tweet this)
We Honor Your Holy Name
Jesus taught us to begin our prayers by praising God’s name. When He began the model prayer, Jesus talked about God’s name being holy.
“Our Father in heaven, we honor your holy name” (Matthew 6:9, TLB).
In Biblical times, there was a close association between a person’s name and his identity. The name symbolized the person and represented his character.
Meditating on the name of God reminds you who He is and what He has done for you. And when you’re reminded, you can’t help but have your love for Him stirred up—can’t help but worship and adore Him. That’s why we begin prayer with praise.
Compiling an alphabet of praise is an excellent way to acknowledge who God is—to honor His name, and offer a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.
“I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving and will call on the name of the Lord.” (Psalm 116:17). (Tweet this)
Alphabet of Praise
The alphabet of praise below focuses on Jesus. It is intended to be a beginning point to get you started. I encourage you to make your own alphabet of praise. As you read your Bible, look for the names and ways of God in scripture and mark them on the pages.
Meditating on God’s character and ways—and who He is to you personally—will cause the awe and love of your heart to overflow in expressions of praise and thanks.
Praising My Jesus
The first two posts in this series focus on Jesus. May we know Him intimately. May we desire Him more than our necessary food. May we see that everything we need, He is.
Alphabet of Praise, Part 1
Adonai, my master
Alpha and omega, beginning and the end
Author and finisher of my faith
Altogether lovely, my beloved, my friend
The Amen
The anointed one, the Christ
The arms that hold me
Artist and architect of my life
The accomplisher of what concerns me
The answer to all my questions
My authority
My advocate who pleads my case
My full armor
All-riches and all-blessing
My all-in-all
All I need
Awesome and amazing
My banner of love
My baptizer in the Holy Spirit
My beautiful Savior
Before all things that touch me
My beloved
My Bridegroom
Blood of the new covenant covering me
Bread of life that feeds me
My brother
My burden-bearer
One who calms my storms
Chief Shepherd
Christ Jesus my Lord
My crucified Savior, nailed to the cross for me
My creator and my maker
My champion and my hero, my only cause
My cherishing one
My comforter
My covenant-maker and covenant-keeper
My counselor
My cleansing from sin
My covering
My courage, my confidence
My completeness, my fulfillment
My commander, captain of the Lord’s host
My cornerstone and firm foundation
Crowned with glory and honor
Crown of beauty and a diadem of splendor
My daily manna
My decision-maker
My deliverer
My defender
My defense
My discipline
My dwelling place
My example
Exalted One
The Faithful and True
The firstborn among many brothers
The firstfruits
Firstborn from the dead
My Friend who sticks closer than a brother
My Friend who loves at all times
Generous with me
My good shepherd who goes before me
My giver of abundant life and the abundant gift
My garment of righteousness
Governor of my life
My guard
Grace abounding for all my sin
God of all glory, my hope of glory living in me
The Holy One
Head of the body
Heir of all things
My healer
My hiding place
My helper and my help
My high priest
My humility
The I AM
My inheritance
Immanuel, God with me
My instructor
Inhabiter of my praises
My intercessor
Jehovah-Jireh, my provider and provision
Jehovah-M’Kaddesh, my sanctification
Jehovah-Nissi, my banner of victory
Jehovah-Rophe, my healer and my health
Jehovah-Rohi, my shepherd
Jehovah-Shalom, my peace
Jehovah-Shammah, my God who is there
Jehovah-Tsidkenu, my righteousness
My judge and my justification
My joy and my rejoicing
Jealous for my allegiance and my love
My returning King
King of kings
King of glory
King of righteousness
King of peace
The King who sits forever
Keeper of my heart
My keeper
Kind and compassionate, full of mercy
Key to heaven
My lamb of God, slain for me
Long-suffering and patient with me
My law-giver
The light of the world
My lamp for my path, step-by-step
Living water that quenches my thirst
Lily of the valley, sweet fragrance to me
Lifter of my head My laughter and my tears
Limitless, timeless, measureless
The Lord of Glory
Lion of the tribe of Judah
My risen, ascended, reigning, ruling Lord
Lord of lords
My lover and my love
The Lord who sits enthroned, King forever
Majestic, magnificent, marvelous
My Maker
More than enough
My morning star
My mediator
My miracle-worker
Most High God
Man of sorrows, acquainted with grief for me
My Jesus, how great You are! All I need, all I want, is You!
“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing.”
Revelation 5:12
- Do you have a need? It has been met in Jesus! All we need, He is!
- “Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.” — Psalm 95:2
- “I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving and will call on the name of the Lord.” — Psalm 116:17
- My Jesus, how great You are! All I need, all I want, is You!
- “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches… and honor and glory…” — Revelation 5:12
A Moment of Worship: Lift The Name
from Place of Freedom by Highlands Worship
- As you read your Bible today, look for the names and ways of God in scripture and mark them on the pages.
- Starting with the letter “A” and going through the alphabet, praise Jesus for all that He is, has been, and will be!
Question: Which attribute of Jesus met you in the middle of your need today?
- An Outline for Repentance (Part 2): Sins of Omission
- Countering the Enemy’s Offensive (Part 1): Don’t Stop Fasting Prematurely
- Fasting Day 4: Andrew Murray on Prayer and God’s Holiness
- Fasting Day 4: The Hungry Handmaid of Faith
- Fasting Day 4: Quotes About Fasting
- Fasting Day 4: Called to be Holy
- Fasting Day 4: Outer Discipline, Inner Result, Eternal Reward
- My God Is: Names and Attributes of God
- Praise You, Jesus: Alphabet of Praise, (Part 2)
- The I Am For Your Every Need (1): In Christ Is…
- The I Am For Your Every Need (2): Praise Party
- The I Am For Your Every Need (3): Action Point
- Five Ways to Use the Praise Series (The Names & Attributes of God)

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[…] Praise You, Jesus: Alphabet of Praise, Part 1 […]
The word of God has been good for me