Fasting: Clean Slate by Jentezen Franklin- Shades of Grace | Natalie Nichols

Fasting: Clean Slate by Jentezen Franklin

Fasting: Clean Slate by Jentezen Franklin

As believers, at times we need a clean slate spiritually. Why? Because we’ve become like the disciples in Matthew chapter 17. We’ve become faithless and perverse—too disconnected from God (faithless) and too connected to the world (perverse). Fasting and prayer is a remedy for this problem. Through fasting we disconnect from the world and through prayer we connect to God.

Feeding Faith Part 1 and Part 2 cover this topic, but I believe you’ll also be blessed by Jentezen Franklin’s sermon Clean Slate. It elaborates on different areas of this truth and makes unique applications in ways that inspire, uplift and convict through the Spirit’s power.

Clean Slate by Jentezen Franklin

Even as believers, we can get so connected to the world that we begin to feel disconnected from God. We keep going through the routine of being a good Christian—we love the Lord, we make good choices, we go to church, we sing worship—but something seems to be missing. In his message, Clean Slate, Pastor Franklin explains how a season of fasting and prayer unplugs you from the world and reconnects you to God!


Fasting is expressing dependence on God alone. It is saying, “I wait on you, Lord.  My only hope is in you.”

Fasting expresses confidence in nothing around us except God Himself. God doesn’t answer your prayers because you go without food. Fasting communicates your need to the Father. It demonstrates your trust that He will provide all your needs. Fasting is a demonstration of your dependency on Him. It’s saying, “This year, I am depending on you.”  With your physical body going without food you’re saying, “I am desperate for you. I am fully depending on you this new year to give me the health, the strength, the wisdom, direction, finances, the steps, all the things I need. I’m desperately depending on you.”

Fasting doesn’t make God do anything. When we fast, we’re not trying to make God do something. We’re saying, “I’m depending on you. I need you in my home, my family, my church, my career, my walk, my talk.”

Fasting is giving up to get. It’s not outrageous to consider fasting for a spiritual purpose, to be alive spiritually, to keep your walk with God your number one priority.

If your fast is not turning the world completely away—unplugging from the world—you’re missing the point.


  • While fasting, are you deliberately taking steps to unplug from the world?
  • Are you depending on God alone for the things you need and desire?
  • In what ways have you noticed prayer and fasting helping you have a clean slate spiritually? 




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2 Responses to “Fasting: Clean Slate by Jentezen Franklin”

  1. Eugenia says:

    Natalie…thanks for sharing this! It truly gave me a different perspective on fasting. This teaching really spoke to me. Before, I just fasting looking for this, looking for that….but know that I know the true meaning of prayer and fasting….my time will be about Him, spending time with Him, worshipping HIm, loving on Him….this is my year for a clean slate!

    • Hi Eugenia! Thank you for your comments! I'm so glad to know how God spoke to you through this message of Jentezen's! Yes, fasting is about worshipping God and ministering to Him! Fasting is an amazing, enjoyable experience, especially when our aim is relationship — is seeking God's face first and foremost, more than seeking His hand!

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