Fasting Day 6: Expect Spiritual Opposition

Are you discouraged in your fast? Do things seem to be getting worse instead of better? Don’t be surprised that spiritual forces of darkness have gone on the offensive because of your fast.
Fasting sets spiritual forces in motion. Think of Daniel and the spiritual battle that took place in the Heavenlies as he fasted. The first day he began to fast, Daniel’s prayer was heard and an angel was sent from Heaven with Daniel’s answer—but the Prince of Persia battled fiercely, detaining the angel until Michael came to help.
Fasting puts the power of God at work, and it agitates Satan and demon spirits. Do NOT expect them to congratulate you on your fast!
If not through gentle whispers and lies, demonic forces may come after you through discouraging, frustrating events. Opposition and hopelessness may confront you at every turn.
Samuel and the Israelites encountered opposition from the Philistines while they gathered together in a fast. But God moved when they weren’t expecting it and gave them a dramatic victory. What God did for the Israelites, He will do for you! (Read here what He did for them.)
In God’s Chosen Fast, Arthur Wallis writes:
You should expect that a season of fasting would prove to be for you, as it was for your Master, a time of conflict with the powers of darkness. Satan will often try to take advantage of your physical condition to launch an attack. Discouragement is one of his weapons. Guard against it by maintaining a spirit of praise.
Read through Ephesians chapter six and avail yourself of the whole armor of God, then you will be invulnerable to Satan’s devices. Make use especially of the shield of faith to quench all his flaming darts. In hand-to-hand encounter use the sword of the Spirit, and tell Satan, “It is written . . . .” Declare the victory of your great Captain over every principality and power. [1]
Questions: In what ways are you experiencing spiritual opposition during your fast? Are you guarding against discouragement by maintaining a spirit of praise?
- Fasting Day 6: On The Attack
- Fasting Day 6: When You Fast and Pray
- Fasting Day 6: The Living Water
- Fasting Day 6: Following in the Footsteps of our Heroes
- Fasting Day 6: Expecting Anointing, Part 2
[1] Arthur Wallis, God’s Chosen Fast (Fort Washington, PA: CLC Publications, 1968), 109

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