Lord, What Do You Want to Say?

I can hardly believe that we’re in the last week of Pursuit 21. This wonderful experience will be over before you know it. So in these last six days, let’s take a moment to ask God this question.
“Lord, what do You want to say to me during this fast?”
Your prayers during the fast have no doubt included much that you wanted to say to God. But have you asked Him what He wants to say to you? Instead of spending your whole prayer time telling God what you wanted to say to Him, have you dedicated time to listening to what He wants to tell you?
There is a reason God called you to this fast. You wouldn’t be fasting, and wouldn’t have been able to have kept your fast these two weeks, without God’s calling and enabling. He has given you the grace to fast for a reason. What is that reason? Have you asked Him?
Born Out of My Prayer Time
This post was born out of my prayer time today. When I was in my place of secret prayer, praying over my causes for fasting, the Holy Spirit led me to ask this question:
“God, in this last week of the fast, what do you want to tell me? What is on Your heart? What work do you want to do in me during this fast? What is Your cause for my fasting? Why did You call me to this fast?”
The Holy Spirit led me to dedicate this last week of the fast to hearing what God wants to say to me. It’s now at the top of my causes for fasting, where it should have been from the beginning.
There might be sin God wants me to repent of … an action He wants me to take … vital direction He wants to give … wisdom He wants to impart … or encouragement He wants to bestow.
There is a word—or two or three or more—that God wants to speak to you and me this week. Let’s listen!
As They Were Ministering to the Lord and Fasting
In Acts chapter 13, prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch were ministering to the Lord and fasting. Notice what the Lord did in response:
“1Now in the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers … 2As they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work I have called them to’” (Acts 13:1-2, HCSB, emphasis added).
Insert your name in place of the prophets and teachers at Antioch—in place of the word “they”:
“As [your name] was ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said…”
– or –
“As I was ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said…“
As you fast, there is something the Holy Spirit wants to say to you! Are you listening?
I guarantee you there is something He wants to say to you, just as He did to the prophets and teachers at Antioch when they were ministering to the Lord through their fasting.
Fill in the rest of that sentence with what He has said to you.
“As I was ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘________.'”
What did you put in the blank?
Even if you’ve heard much already, there is more He wants to say. Will you commit to listening? Will you set aside your agenda in prayer in order to listen to His agenda for your prayer time?
If you aren’t able to fill in the blank today with what the Holy Spirit has said, will you so dedicate this week to listening to Him that you’ll be able to fill it in the last day of the fast?
It May Be Seemingly Unrelated
What God wants to say to you may be unrelated to your causes for fasting.
There is no indication that the prophets and teachers at Antioch were expecting direction from the Lord regarding sending someone out on a missionary journey. But that’s what was on God’s heart. What was on the people’s heart was simply worshipping God and ministering to Him through fasting and prayer. In response, God spoke through His Spirit and gave them specific direction—direction that, as we know, had a tremendous result.
In the Secret Teller, I write about a time when God spoke to me during a fast. What He said was completely unexpected. I was fasting for increase … and what God began telling me during the fast was that first, certain things in my life had to decrease. I had to sacrifice in certain areas. The sacrifice was risky and could have affected every area of my life, and could have affected my family as well, if God didn’t come through. Therefore, what He began speaking to me on the fast, the direction He gave, was the last thing I expected Him to say.
What God wants to say to you may have nothing to do with your causes for fasting. Or it may. Your job is simply to have an open ear and a willing, obedient heart—to welcome His presence and His word to you.
A Moment of Worship: Welcome
Welcome performed by Big Daddy Weave
Word and Music by: Matt Weaver and Matt Redman
From the Album: Beautiful Offerings
Listen on Apple Music | Buy on iTunes
Listen on Prime Music | Buy on Amazon
Bible Reading: Acts 13:1-2; Jeremiah 33:3; John 10:27
- Your prayers during the fast have no doubt included much that you wanted to say to God. But have you dedicated time to listening to what He wants to say to you? Instead of just telling Him all that you want to say to Him, have you asked Him what HE wants to say to you?
- Have you asked God: “Lord, in this last week of the fast, what do you want to tell me? What is on YOUR heart? What work do you want to do in me during this fast? What is YOUR cause for my fasting? Why did you call me to this fast?”
- How would you finish the following sentence. “As I was ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘ ___________________.'”
- If you aren’t able to fill in the blank today with what the Spirit has said, will you so dedicate this week to listening to Him that you’ll be able to fill it in the last day of the fast?
- Are you willing to set aside any agenda you have in prayer in order to listen to His agenda for your prayer time? Will you prioritize listening to what He wants to say?
- Inspired and Impacted: Quotes About Fasting and Prayer (Part 2)
- Fasting is Not Twisting God’s Arm
- More Quotes About Fasting
- Fasting Day 16: Fasting Is… (Part 3)
- Fasting Day 16: Require and Rejoice
- Fasting Day 16: Targeting Decisions, The St. Paul Fast
- Fasting Day 16: Three Truths for Stormy Seasons

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