Shades of Grace | Natalie Nichols- God's Comfort for Life's Trials

Fasting Day 8: Fresh Inspiration From the Archives

Fasting Day Eight Posts From the Archives: Gaining Thirst … Feeding Faith, Part 2 … Brokenness, Part 1 … God Fills the Hungry …   Fasting Day 8: Gaining Thirst Are...
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Praying for Government Leaders (Part 2): A Prayer Guide

As believers, we’re instructed to pray for “kings and all those in authority” (1 Timothy 2:2). It is our duty and responsibility to pray for our government leaders. Part One of this post...
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Praying for Government Leaders (Part 1): A Prayer for the President

It’s fitting that at this time, we pray for the president, for our leaders in government, and for the nation. Pursuit 21 participants represent at least forty countries on six continents. If...
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Countering the Enemy’s Offensive (Part 2): Let God War and Work

Your fasting and prayer are making a difference, upsetting power structures, and effecting the outcome of spiritual battles. Fasting puts the power of God at work. It agitates Satan and demon...
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Countering the Enemy’s Offensive (Part 1): Don’t Stop Fasting Prematurely

There’s one thing you must know if you’re going to be successful on your fast—the enemy is going to launch an attack against you. Powers of darkness will go on the offensive against...
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Write It Down: What a Difference a Piece of Paper Makes!

As you begin your fast, it will be helpful if you write four things down. Doing so will help you focus your prayers and be successful in keeping your fast. The Pursuit 21 fasting contract is an excellent...
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Fasting Day 2: Set Your Mind (Part Two)

Here at the beginning of Pursuit 21, it’s important that you set your mind regarding a few key aspects of your fast. Your mind is the battlefield on which the fight of this fast is won or lost. So...
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Fasting Day 1: Set Your Mind (Part One)

As you begin Pursuit 21, it’s important that you set your mind regarding a few key aspects of your fast. Your mind is the battlefield on which the fight of this fast is won or lost. So it’s...
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Seeking God First and Setting Your Course

As the new year begins, no doubt you have many goals and priorities for the days ahead. Is seeking God your first priority? Is it your most important goal? Are you planning toward it, setting aside a...
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